
Meat is not oxygen, and you can live without it ! Here lies the 'Humans need meat' argument, it was convenient, R.I.P.

Breaking News 5th March 2017.....yet MORE world top cardiologists state...PLANT not ANIMAL proteins are HEALTHIER ..

5th March 2017 Breaking News Medical World ! USA Cardiology medics again state officially

"Plant based proteins are significantly more heart-healthy compared to animal proteins"

"Animal Flesh and Products are simply Processed Plants with Additives, so destructive, inefficient, unhealthy and  unnecessarily cruel to all animals, humans included, going Vegan makes perfect sense"...My Personal Quotation Noelle  Obcarskas !  Meat and using animals is a choosing to make a choice to kill someone else...that involves taking away choice...from the victims.

Vegans do not have the huge business interests of the unhealthy but mass market and government subsidies big business industries of Dairy and Animal Agriculture generally to promote myths lies and hide the truths about CHOCOLATE MEANS KILLING EACH YEAR THE BABY CALVES of cows forcibly impregnated and then killed themselves around age 5 years old ! all that TRUTH is HIDDEN in the school visits of Cadbury etc sellers of HUGE BIG BUSINESS Cruelty Produced Chocolates and Dairy milks ! of COURSE those living off the LIVES of others are not going to tell the whole truths ! very convenient that ANIMALS NO SPEAK ENGLISH and no CCTV to show how they fear and suffer when killed !

"With the traditional Western diet, the average American consumes about double the protein her or his body needs."

Where do you/ I get your/my Protein from ?

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics : Vegetarian Diets

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals.  Over 100,000 credentialed practitioners. USA based.

As a leader in food and nutrition issues, the Academy provides expert testimony at hearings, lobbies Congress and other governmental bodies, comments on proposed federal and state regulations, and develops position statements on critical food and nutrition issues.

PDF File of Full Text Report on Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets  /Vegan Diets 12 pages.  

Summary/Abstract December 2016 update. Volume 116, Issue 12, Pages 1970–1980

"It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Low intake of saturated fat and high intakes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, soy products, nuts, and seeds (all rich in fiber and phytochemicals) are characteristics of vegetarian and vegan diets that produce lower total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and better serum glucose control. These factors contribute to reduction of chronic disease. Vegans need reliable sources of vitamin B-12, such as fortified foods or supplements."

N.B. There is NO issue about Protein Deficiency, quite the opposite. Vegan diets can exceed protein needs. At all ages.

Health Nutritional Medical Scientific Reasons Supporting Vegan Diets Foods Diets

Dr Kim Allen Williams, immediate past President of the American College of Cardiology, now passionately touts plant-based nutrition to his patients.

“It was not so long ago that prescribing a plant-based diet as sound medical advice would have been disregarded and shunned by healthcare professionals and patients alike as useless hippy hogwash….

With nutrition studies in the USA accounting for on average less than 20 hours of curriculum within university medical training, and some Australian universities recognizing that ‘medical graduates are ill-equipped to identify and appropriately manage nutritional issues of patients,’ doctors are dispensed a major information gap when it comes to food….


Despite published studies emerging from universities and even the tobacco industry themselves in the 1940s and 50s, ‘As late as 1960, only one-third of all US doctors believed that the case against cigarettes had been established.’ IS IT NOT TIME THAT WE SWIFTLY ENACT MEASURES TO AVOID REPEATING THE DRAWN OUT INACTION OF THE TOBACCO-SMOKING-DOCTOR ERA?

From the many preventable deaths from diet-induced diseases and the accompanying unnecessary human (and animal) suffering; and beyond to the economic and environmental burden the consumption of animal products brings to our nation’s healthcare system and planet, THE RAMIFICATIONS OF OUR DIETS CAN NO LONGER AFFORD TO BE IGNORED BY OUR MEDICAL DOCTORS….”

The ONE most common Urban Myth spouted by anyone trying in their Cognitive Dissonant state of trying to find reasons to resist change to a fully plant based WHERE DO I GET MY PROTEIN FROM ? the Urban Myth about lack of nutrient PROTEIN is a joke. No one thinks about what vitamins in what quantities they are getting from their non planned on the whole meals each day unless on a diet to lose FAT of course...and today...the problem we all have is not LACK of protein but EXCESS of it lol ! Protein is in loads of foods lol ! what the Diet Industry make money out of in billions every year for years is our EXCESS consumption of Protein, Fat, Sugar Salt and addictive additives in our Genetically Modified less healthy more allergies creating modern foods !

54 percent of the UK adults are currently OVERWEIGHT...2017...Londoners marginally worse than average ...57 percent. THIS is more our MODERN ADVANCED Excess Unhealthy Animal Based diet state !

Where do you/ I get your/my Protein from ?

Lets not believe we will not have enough protein etc from a normal vegan plant based diet lol ! nor that we would have to spend all day munching room fulls of lettuces to get our daily allowances lol !

8 cups of broccoli = 2 cups of flesh meat or plant tempeh/seitan/tofu. Got there ! I did the research and calculations. Bottom line is ? we are NOT at risk of PROTEIN DEFICIENCY we are FAT ! that is the new problem in the Western World ! and the Wrong sort of FAT ! ...well I managed to finish my WHERE DO I GET MY PROTEIN page. and realised... Medical, Doctor, Dieticians Advice and Recommendations..."With the traditional Western diet, the average American consumes about double the protein her or his body needs." No real danger of a Protein Deficiency ! my daily 2 small packets of peanuts is OUT ! I am getting fat again from too much protein lol ! just did the calculations of some AWEFUL meme used in Go Vegan Revolution discussion yesterday...a big POLEMIQUE of confusion..and I realised...the PICTURE was misleading. In brief...turns out...8 cups of Broccoli to 2 cups of Steak be it Tempeh/Seitan/Tofu or Dead Animal is the same amount of protein. So ? we are NOT going to eat 8 cups of Brocoli a day as a norm unless we do a casserole. However ! eating normally, even 1 veganegg sandwich has 10 grams of the 40 grams protein per day average an adult needs ! Our modern problem is...EXCESS protein which turns to FAT rather than Protein Deficiency ! 54 percent of the UK are currently overweight...57percent of Londoners ! and all this EXCESS protein causes major health problems ! so. I was FED UP with lack of even an excel spreadsheet with the list of Foods with Protein grams in sortable descending order...amazing...NO ONE has done one of those ! so I have to do one I have decided

Some fun pictures illustrating this Urban Myth debunk lol ! enjoy !

Putting it simply without all the MEASURING jugs and WEIGHING no one actually does of food stuff into our greedy mouths...a small packet of peanuts is MORE than enough PROTEIN needs of an average adult per day....or protein in LOADS of plant foods. A cup of nuts equivalent per day is plenty enough daily protein needs of an average adult.

Therefore in the morning bowl of cereals one can have eaten all ones protein needs for the day. Almond nut flakes. Nuts ! or a packet of peanuts !

35 grams of protein is plenty enough protein for an average adult. Protein is in Nuts, Fruit and Vegetables. So unless eating NOTHING we get protein.

100grams of PEANUTS is 24 grams of PROTEIN ! eeek ! a small packet of Peanuts is plenty for daily protein needs of an adult ! Pistachios and Pumkins even more protein !

Right. Done and dusted for me ! I LOVE ? small packet of Peanuts very cheap things a day and protein needs sorted.

now...16th Feb 2017...I have decided...a SIMPLE GUIDE of WHAT A DAILY NUTRIENTS PER PERSON of different ages and sex is needed.

why ? people generally including myself are not good at knowing What nutrients we should be getting daily  weekly or monthly ! turns out for example...Vitamin b12 is stored in some body organ, so we dont need to eat it every day ! it lasts some weeks months even ! oh jeah ? worth knowing hey ! and the rest ? I  am FED Up now of all these EAT 5 OF THIS OR THAT a day NHS UK Government out of date anyway guidelines on food...with NO details of HOW MANY VITAMINS those oranges etc have ! turns out...a tomato has 5 times LESS nutrients in it today than 40 years ago due to crap gmo etc !!! so ? needs sorting !

where do you get protein Vegan Revolution Discussion 16th Feb 2017.docx

Right, let's get this PROTEIN NEEDS sorted first...

I read somewhere...the average ADULT needs DAILY about 35grams of Protein. Men more than women/dependant on size of person.

ok ok. so what is that in practical terms of food ? this page is no darned use it needs a calculator lol ! get SIMPLE please !

OK OK...I see I was right...looking AROUND tells us we are right...we are FAT ! our problem today isnt LACK of protein it very obviously with the huge FATNESS/OBESITY and Dieting bit problems of today we are OVER EATING PROTEIN CARBS SUGAR FATS ! what on earth CHOLESTEROL is beats me lol ! but PLANTS dont have it and dead animal products have LOADS of it and apparently it is VERY bad for our hearts etc. anyway. BACK TO PROTEIN word.

"With the traditional Western diet, the average American consumes about double the protein her or his body needs."

Got it. Exactly what I thought ! all this WHERE DO I GET MY PROTEIN whining is CRAP ! So lets not worry too much about WHERE DO I GET MY PROTEIN if eating at all anything hey ! I am right. Looking at this table...and I will do a BETTER one in DESCENDING order by QUANTITY that isnt difficult to do using a SPREADSHEET !...a 12oz Steak of Tofu per PLENTY enough protein for an average adult. 12oz of Tofu or Seitan the plant consistency mushy to imitate meat flesh. Spiced and sauced up. Protein dealt with. Any more protein eaten becomes FAT apparently. Cup sizes Vary of course wink wink.

Healthful Protein Sources (in grams)

Black beans, boiled (1 cup) .................................15.2
Broccoli (1 cup).......................................................4.6
Bulgur, cooked (1 cup)...........................................5.6
Chickpeas, boiled (1 cup) ....................................14.5
Lentils, boiled (1 cup)...........................................17.9
Peanut butter (2 tablespoons)................................8.0
Quinoa, cooked (1 cup)........................................11.0
Seitan* (4 ounces)..................................................24.0
Spinach, boiled (1 cup)...........................................5.4
Tempeh (1/2 cup)..................................................15.7
Tofu, firm (1/2 cup)...............................................19.9
Whole-wheat bread (one slice)..............................2.7

BTW. By the Way. No WONDER we get excess protein as the day goes on with MORE food eaten with protein in it as standard hey ! as if one MEASURES out our daily vitamins etc needs when we don't plan our meals based on having something TASTY to us most of all as the motivator lol ! let's be honest hey ! unless we head into some Magic Harry Potter promises super diet magic diet slimming food wanna believe diets lol !

Where do you/ I get your/my Protein from ?


22 mar 2016 oxford uni wake up to diet and world change health etc

Veggie-based diets could save 8 million lives by 2050 and cut global warming

A global switch to diets that rely less on meat and more on fruit and vegetables could save up to 8 million lives by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, and lead to healthcare-related savings. It could also avoid climate-related damages of $1.5 trillion (US), Oxford Martin School researchers have found.

The study, published today in the journal, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, is the first to estimate both the health and climate change effects of moving towards more plant-based diets for all major world regions.

Lead author Dr Marco Springmann, of the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food, said: 'What we eat greatly influences our personal health and the global environment. Imbalanced diets, such as diets low in fruits and vegetables, and high in red and processed meat, are responsible for the greatest health burden globally and in most regions. At the same time the food system is also responsible for more than a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore a major driver of climate change.'

Imbalanced diets, such as diets low in fruits and vegetables, and high in red and processed meat, are responsible for the greatest health burden globally and ... (are) also responsible for more than a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions.

Dr Marco Springmann, from the Oxford Martin School

To assess the health and environmental effects, the researchers modelled four different dietary scenarios for the year 2050: a 'business as usual' scenario based on projections of future diets; a scenario based on global dietary guidelines which includes minimum amounts of fruits and vegetables, and limits to the amount of red meat, sugar, and total calories; and vegetarian and vegan scenarios which both conform to the dietary guidelines.

They found that adopting diets in line with global dietary guidelines could avoid 5.1 million deaths per year by 2050. Even greater benefits could come from vegetarian diets (avoiding 7.3 million deaths) and vegan diets (avoiding 8.1 million deaths). Approximately half of the avoided deaths were due to reduction of red meat consumption, with the other half due to a combination of increased fruit and vegetable intake and a reduction in calories, leading to fewer people being overweight or obese.

The study projects that by 2050, food-related greenhouse gas emissions could account for half of the emissions the world can afford if global warming is to be limited to less than 2°C. Adopting global dietary guidelines would cut food-related emissions by 29%, vegetarian diets by 63%, and vegan diets by 70%, says the study.

The researchers also modelled the economic benefits of dietary change and found they could save $700-$1,000 billion (US) per year on healthcare, unpaid informal care and lost working days. The economic value that society places on the reduced risk of dying could even be as high as 9-13% of global GDP, or $20-$30 trillion (US). In addition, the researchers found that the economic benefit of reduced greenhouse gas emissions from dietary changes could be as much as $570 billion (US).

'Putting a dollar value on good health and the environment is a sensitive issue,' said Dr Springmann. 'Yet, our results indicate that dietary changes could have large benefits to society, and the value of those benefits makes a strong case for increased public and private spending on programmes aimed to achieve healthier and more environmentally sustainable diets.' 

The paper, Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change, is published in PNAS

Some More references...

For example, the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) states:

“It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.”


The American Heart Association states:

Most vegetarian diets are low in or devoid of animal products. They’re also usually lower than nonvegetarian diets in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Many studies have shown that vegetarians seem to have a lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease (which causes heart attack), high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and some forms of cancer.

Vegetarian diets can be healthful and nutritionally sound if they’re carefully planned to include essential nutrients. However, a vegetarian diet can be unhealthy if it contains too many calories and/or saturated fat and not enough important nutrients.


The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom maintains:

“With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.”


The National Institutes of Health and Department of Agriculture in the U.S. state: “People who follow vegetarian diets can get all the nutrients they need. However, they must be careful to eat a wide variety of foods to meet their nutritional needs.”


We could go on and on but it is clear that animal foods are not necessary for human health. The empirical evidence is so clear that even large insurance/managed care companies, such as Kaiser Permanente, state:

“Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet, which we define as a regimen that encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meats, dairy products, and eggs as well as all refined and processed foods. We present a case study as an example of the potential health benefits of such a diet.”




  • 1) To avoid B-12 deficiency, vegans should regularly consume vitamin B-12–fortified foods, such as fortified soy and rice beverages, certain breakfast cereals and meat analogs, and B-12–fortified nutritional yeast, or take a daily vitamin B-12 supplement. Fermented soy products, leafy vegetables, and seaweed cannot be considered a reliable source of active vitamin B-12. No unfortified plant food contains any significant amount of active vitamin B-12.

  • 2) To ensure adequate calcium in the diet, calcium-fortified plant foods should be regularly consumed in addition to consuming the traditional calcium sources for a vegan (green leafy vegetables, tofu, tahini). The calcium-fortified foods include ready-to-eat cereals, calcium-fortified soy and rice beverages, calcium-fortified orange and apple juices, and other beverages. The bioavailability of the calcium carbonate in the soy beverages and the calcium citrate malate in apple or orange juice is similar to that of the calcium in milk (78, 79). Tricalcium phosphate–fortified soy milk was shown to have a slightly lower calcium bioavailability than the calcium in cow milk (78).

  • 3) To ensure an adequate vitamin D status, especially during the winter, vegans must regularly consume vitamin D–fortified foods such as soy milk, rice milk, orange juice, breakfast cereals, and margarines that are fortified with vitamin D. Where fortified foods are unavailable, a daily supplement of 5–10 μg vitamin D would be necessary. The supplement would be highly desirable for elderly vegans.

  • 4) A vegan should regularly consume plant foods naturally rich in the n–3 fatty acid ALA, such as ground flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil, soy products, and hemp seed–based beverages. In addition, it is recommended that vegans consume foods that are fortified with the long-chain n–3 fatty acid DHA, such as some soy milks and cereal bars. Those with increased requirements of long-chain n–3 fatty acids, such as pregnant and lactating women, would benefit from using DHA-rich microalgae supplements.

  • 5) Because of the high phytate content of a typical vegan diet, it is important that a vegan consume foods that are rich in zinc, such as whole grains, legumes, and soy products, to provide a sufficient zinc intake. Benefit could also be obtained by vegans consuming fortified ready-to-eat cereals and other zinc-fortified foods.

More links to scientific reports on the healthiness and preventative even curative often Vegan diet merits...and of course a vegan diet is not a guarantee of not getting any cancer ever there is always a risk due to other factors than diet but life generally is about avoiding or minimising risk where possible. The World Health Organisation has clearly since 2015 stated that meat carries a high cancer risk. There are many studies showing the high risk of specific cancers such as prostate and breast cancer from dairy and egg products...eggs themselves are so unhealthy it is ILLEGAL to label them as healthy...fact. Many reported in the media reports in recent years. 

UK: “Rates of bowel cancer in young people expected to soar up to 90% in the next 15 years – with junk food and inactivity to blame… Previous research found that snacking on chocolate, biscuits and cakes could increase the risk of the disease – as could drinking fizzy drinks… It’s already known that red or processed meat, for example bacon and sausages, is linked with bowel cancer…”

Reference: Daily Telegraph, 7 November 2014 –

and May 2017...Daily Mail reported for the UK...Cancer rates have reached a record high

  • Almost 300,000 diagnoses were made in 2015, which is a 22% rise from 2005
  • Breast cancer is the most common form of the disease, making up 15.4% of cases
  • Prostate, lung and bowel are the next most common types of cancer in the UK

May 2017...CHICKEN cancerous with arsenic as standard included...

If you want abundant, hardcore scientific evidence that a vegan diet is the key to optimum health, then this is what you want to read. The China Study is a 2005 book based on the 20-year China Project, the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition (specifically the relationship between diet and chronic diseases) ever conducted. An updated and expanded edition was released in December 2016. Widely regarded as one of the most important books about diet and health, The China Study has prompted many people to rethink their dietary choices and go vegan.

The China Study provides irrefutable evidence of the health benefits of a plant-based diet by providing more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and diseases – clearly showing the damaging effects of a diet high in animal protein, contrasted with the undeniable health benefits of a vegan diet. There are over 800 references in this book, and most of them are primary sources of information, including hundreds of scientific publications from other researchers.

The researchers looked at diets, lifestyles, disease characteristics, and mortality rates of 6,500 people in China, and concluded that people who eat primarily animal-based foods are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases than people who eat vegan foods, and that people who eat vegan foods both minimize and actually REVERSE the development of chronic diseases.

The researchers emphasize a clear, significant correlation between the consumption of meat, milk, and eggs and many ailments: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, Type 2 diabetes, and more – concluding that diets high in animal protein are strongly linked to chronic disease.

“What made this project especially remarkable is that, among the many associations that are relevant to diet and disease, so many pointed to the same finding: people who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease. Even relatively small intakes of animal-based food were associated with adverse effects. People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease... The health implications of consuming either animal- or plant-based nutrients were remarkably different.” - T. Colin Campbell

The new edition includes updated information about the United States healthcare system, and examines the powerful animal agriculture industry and its propaganda, as well as its ties to government lobbyists and other influential entities, resulting in the concealment of the real science. According to T. Colin Campbell, “The distinctions between government, industry, science, and medicine have become blurred. The distinctions between making a profit and promoting health have become blurred.... The result is massive amounts of misinformation, for which average American consumers pay twice. They provide the tax money to do the research, and then they provide the money for their health care to treat their largely preventable diseases.”

The China Study’s conclusion is simple: If you want to live a healthy, long life, choose a vegan diet.

For more information on The China Study, go to

Research shows that dairy is a major cause of colic, childhood allergies, asthma, ear infections, eczema, cholesterol buildup in arteries (the precursor to heart disease), obesity, and is increasingly linked to childhood diabetes and several cancers. Dr. T. Colin Campbell has studied the relationship between diet and disease for more than forty years, and, although he grew up on a dairy farm, now teaches that casein, the main protein in milk and dairy products, is the most significant carcinogen we consume. Dr. Campbell's legacy, the China Project, is the most comprehensive long-term global study of health and nutrition ever conducted

More Links to Medical Agreement that Vegan Diets are healthy

Catching Up With Science: Burying the “Humans Need Meat” Argument

[Updated 9/15/2016]

In the recently revised Australian Dietary Guidelines (p. 35), Australia’s top health experts now agree with leading health advisory boards in the U.S., U.K. and Canada that well-planned vegan diets are a safe, healthy and viable option for all age groups. Government health experts worldwide are finally catching up with the large body of scientific evidence demonstrating that a vegan diet is not only a viable option for people of any age, but that eating plant foods instead of animal-based foods can confer significant health benefits, including reduction in incidence of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, and some types of cancer.

In 2009, the American Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, the U.S.’s oldest, largest and foremost authority on diet and nutrition, also recognized that humans have no inherent biological or nutritional need for animal products: “It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.” 

In 2013, leading U.S. health care provider Kaiser Permanente, with more than 9 million health insurance subscribers, published an article in its medical science journal recommending that physicians consider recommending a plant-based diet for all their patients. The article notes, “Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet, which we define as a regimen that encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meats, dairy products, and eggs as well as all refined and processed foods … Physicians should consider recommending a plant-based diet to all their patients, especially those with high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or obesity.”

In 2015, 22 scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) evaluated over 800 medical studies and concluded that consumption of processed meat is “carcinogenic to humans,” and that consumption of red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Their conclusions were based on overwhelming evidence for positive associations between meat and colorectal cancer, as well as positive associations between processed meat consumption and stomach cancer, and between red meat consumption and pancreatic and prostate cancer.

And in 2016, a major study conducted by Oxford University researchers modeled four different global dietary scenarios and found that by 2050, widespread adoption of plant-based diets could avert 8.1 million premature human deaths every year. The study was the first to estimate both the health and climate impacts of a shift toward more plant-based diets for all major world regions, and also concluded that global adoption of such a diet would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, and lead to healthcare-related savings and avoided climate damages of $1.5 trillion (US).

But What About People Who Say They ‘Tried Vegan’ and ‘Just Need’ Animal Products?

While the idea that some people “just need meat or animal protein” sells plenty of books (Blood Type Diet, anyone?) and caters to entrenched palate preferences, nutritional requirements— in terms of the actual nutrients needed— are not variable within species. Each species has its own specific nutritional requirements, and all members of each species require the exact same nutrients. Therefore the idea that some people “just need meat” or “just need eggs” or “just need a little wild-caught fish” is scientifically inaccurate. As nutritional epidemiologist Micaela Karlsen observes in her article, Do Different People Need Radically Different Diets?

“Human beings are one species; we are all the same animal, with the same digestive physiology. And, as is true of all species, we do not require personalized nutritional programs unless we are dealing with a specific disease or some other very unusual condition… Where nutrition is concerned, it’s helpful to ask yourself, “Where in nature can I find an example of this?” And in this example of a very wide variation of nutrient intake, the answer is “nowhere.” In other words, you’ll be hard pressed to stumble upon horses that do better with some meat in their diet because of their blood type, or bears that need twice the protein intake of other bears. If they did, the ranchers and zookeepers would have quite a job on their hands, wouldn’t they? Somehow this logic evades us, when it comes to humans.

Our species has specific nutritional requirements, and we can meet them by eating whole plant foods in sufficient quantity to maintain healthy body weight, just as other animals do, in their natural environments.”

While a well-balanced plant-based diet can easily provide all of the nutrients we need to thrive, that doesn’t mean that all vegans are healthy by default. Just as people who eat meat, dairy and eggs often suffer from nutrient deficiencies, a poorly planned or junk-food vegan diet can also fail to meet nutritional needs, leading to health problems. Total raw food diets and diets composed of only very-low-fat foods can also make it harder for some people to get all the necessary nutrients. But with the rare exception of someone who suffers from multiple serious plant-food allergies, or a genetic inability to biochemically digest or produce certain nutrients, science now recognizes that a healthy vegan diet is a safe option for everyone, and research increasingly points to a whole foods plant-based diet as optimal.

So what about ex-vegans? Although some former vegans will have experienced poor health as a result of an imbalanced diet, it is often the case that ex-vegans were simply struggling with difficult cravings. And while cravings— and the discomfort they produce— are very real, it’s important to recognize that a craving is not a need. As much as it may feel like we are actually suffering from a life-threatening cheese deficiency, we know that withdrawal from highly pleasurable or addictive sensations can produce a multitude of physiological responses, including feelings of depression, fatigue and deprivation. We also know that cheese cravings aren’t indicative of an actual biological need, because cow’s milk is made for baby cows and the mothers’ milk of all species is very specifically baby food.

It’s also true that, just like meat-eaters, some vegans will struggle more than others to stay healthy. While all humans require the exact same nutrients, the amount of nutrients needed can vary depending on activity level, age, gender and other factors. As Ginny Messina, R.D., observes: “Some people may need to work a little bit harder to obtain everything they need. And some vegans are not getting enough of what they need because they are eating diets that are too restrictive and/or they are not taking appropriate supplements. My initial recommendations for someone who is craving meat or dairy are these:

  • Add umami to your diet.
  • Eat more concentrated sources of protein—soy, seitan and beans.
  • Add some healthy fats to your meals—nuts, avocado, and foods cooked in small amounts of vegetable oils.
  • Check your diet against the food guide and supplement recommendations from Vegan for Life.”

Most health objections to veganism are easily laid to rest with a few science-based observations. This is not to say that there aren’t people who, due to socio-economic or geographical reasons, have little choice but to eat animals or animal products, whether they live in an urban food desert, or a remote part of the world where little edible vegetation naturally occurs. But as Jo Tyler writes in Does One Person’s Need Excuse Another’s Greed?: 

“If we are fortunate enough to be able to live without causing violence and harm to others, shouldn’t we do so… and do so with gratitude?”

Got a question about specific nutrients or on planning a plant-based diet? Check out the article Vegan Diets: Sorting Through the Myths

Veganism isn’t just a diet. It’s a way of life that seeks to reduce harm to animals, the environment, and other humans. See our Why Vegan? page to learn more.

Visit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and for more information on healthy eating.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have often published the FUNDERS of the promoters of non vegan big business claims...such as the Egg industry and Dairy industry funding reports of non independant organisations to make claims to encourage people to continue buying their products. BEWARE the FUNDERS therefore...big business has massive influences on governments and their organisations.

an example revealed by Go Vegan World in the UK is the diary industry influencing an organisation which should not recommend dairy which actually CAUSES osteoporosis ! 

Unsurprisingly the funders of the UK Osteoporosis Society include dairy companies. The links between the dairy industry and so-called research reports advocating the consumption of dairy for bone health are rife. In fact, independent research shows that dairy is a poor source of calcium, due to poor absorption, and Osteoporosis is most prevalent in countries with the highest dairy consumption. Despite the fact that the Osteoporosis Society says on its website that there's no link between a plant-based diet and poor bones, this week they've been behind a number of articles and TV news segments pushing the idea that not consuming a cow's milk causes Osteoporosis. Very irresponsible, very disingenuous, and these connections with dairy suggest corrupt. Don't buy the myth.

No wonder all the health warnings over storing and separating meat and animal products in even a fridge ! Animals fed GMO soy antibiotics with huge quantities of natural to those animals hormones end up in human bodies if consuming animal products. Of course a cow's milk has massive hormones natural to an animal to be grown to the size of a cow so common sense tells us a cancer risk to humans.

Index/Home Page

Where do you/ I get your/my Protein from ?

Environmental Reasons for Veganism

WHY NOT VEGAN arguments and reasons given

Vegan Organisations Links

VALENTINES day Vegan Chocolates


Vegan Books Vegan Cooking Books and Vegan Guides Free, Cheap and Normal prices

Vegan Fairs Events Festivals Vegfests 2017

Other page links to come, vegan athletes, vegan videos of animal agriculture realities, famous people vegans etc

One to tickle the fancy started.. Living Role model .Body Builder Personal Trainer Hin Chun Chui

Those are the NICE pages, then there are THE DARK SIDE PAGES. Links to show the hidden truths and realities.

The Dark Side. Meet your Meat, Fish, Milk and Egg realities.

Webpage created 12th Feb 2017. It doesnt matter what we think most people currently think or do...if we think we can do something good even if we think it small and makes a difference. As the fairy queen said to Frodo in the Lord of the Rings...even the smallest person in the world can make a difference. ONE makes a difference. of about 11 thousand killed animals in 1 human lifetime for food alone ! Totally unnecessarily. Just to put a FIGURE to what I PERSON can achieve ! SUCCESS !

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